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Frequently Asked Questions

What would my neighborhood receive?

Every neighborhood would see park improvements.

To learn more about investments planned for parks in your neighborhood, please see Program Details. All park renovations would be designed in consultation with the public via neighborhood councils and neighborhood meetings.

Why is levy funding necessary for these improvements?

Parks & Recreation has seen their funding decrease over the years as the General Fund decreases in revenue.  Though currently able to maintain basic levels of service, this will not continue without additional funding.  In addition there simply is not enough revenue available to get out to the neighborhood parks and repair/maintain playgrounds, green spaces, sports fields, in our 105 parks.  New sources of funding are needed to keep the levels of service in our outlying parks where it needs to be.

The Parks division receives approximately 2.3% of the City's budget (representing 8% of "General Fund" expenditures - which is not the entire City budget but rather a small miscellaneous fund who's revenues are gradually decreasing). Program revenues and grants occasionally bring in additional money, but do not provide sustained levels of funding. Parks has the responsibility to steward nearly 4,000 acres of public land and offer hundreds of free and low-cost recreation programs to the public.

If approved, the levy would provide the funding to renovate aging fields, repair outdated or broken playgrounds, provide additional security and keep programs like "free swim" available to the public.

How much would it cost?

29 cents per $1,000 assessed property value, fixed for the next 20 years at the 2024 assessed rate.

  • $6.04 per month for owner of home valued at $250,000
  • $7.98 per month for owner of home valued at $330,000 (average assessed home value in City limits, or about $2 per week)
  • $12.08 per month for owner of home valued at $500,000

$11.25 million a year for 20 years

When would the levy appear on the ballot?

The levy will be on the ballot in February of 2025. If approved in 2025, renovations would begin when funding arrives in 2025, through 2044.

Citizen Advocates for Parks
415 E 12th Avenue
Spokane WA 99202
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